More Crazy Dating Stories
Thanks to Heather (I think) for jogging my memory, I realized that indeed I do have another crazy dating story. At one point in my life, I had dated a successive string of losers & decided to take some "me" time, away from the dating scene. It wasn't difficult at all & I was having a blast.
One night, I went out with my best friend & a gay pal of ours. He'd brought a friend to our "girls night out" but the other guy claimed to be queer as a $3 dollar bill so we never questioned it. We had so much fun. My new gay pal was a blast at the bar: He loved Bowie as much as I do & none of the straight guys I knew enjoyed "my" music. We played an entire Bowie album on the jukebox, danced the entire time (this is huge because no one will ever dance with me in public, they all call me Elaine).
We talked about fashion & decided that a makeover for me would be fun. He actually had a color palette in his "bag" & made some adjustments to my preferred eye, lip & cheek hues. We even made some hair decisions. He seemed like an awesome guy & I was glad Mikey had brought him along with us.
But later, we all went back to my house because my roomate was having a little get-together. As the night wore on, people began to leave & crash & as soon as I was alone with my new gay friend, he was all over me! It turns out that he's totally bisexual & had just broken it off with his grilfriend. I was pissed, felt totally deceived & wanted nothing more to do with him. But he just could not understand why I was upset. Nay, he was in complete denial & even stopped by the next morning to say goodbye & try to hug me (he lived about 2 hours away & had been in town for the weekend).
Well, my number was unlisted & I hadn't shared it. I immediately called my friends & told them the whole story so that no one would give him my digits & everyone was cool with that. Yeah, he knew where I lived but he lived outside of Altoona & didn't drive so I wasn't concerned.
Until about a month later when my roomate called me at a friend's house to tell me that Mr. I'm-not-so-gay-after-all had dropped by. Luckily my male roomate didn't let him in & told him to leave me alone. However, it didn't deter creepy bi-guy. He "stopped" by periodically 3 or 4 times over the next few months.
About 2 months went by & he hadn't been skulking around so I thought it was over. But being as I was only 21 & lived in a huge house, my roomie & I often threw awesome parties. The ultimate was my annual Halloween shindig. Costumes were required & things were always very interesting. Sometimes thing came close to getting out of hand, but they never actually did & even the uninvited friend of a friend of a friend always respected the rules & our stuff. Until creepy bi-guy managed to sneak in (in full costume) in a caravan of my roomie's little sister's raver buddies. At first, nobody knew he was there.
Imagine my shock when I walked into my locked bedroom & found him sitting on my bed. "I've been waiting for you all night," he said. I screamed & ran out. Some friends gently but firmly ousted him & we posted sentires at all entrances. At least now we knew what his costume was but I couldn't imagine how he got into my bedroom, since I was wearing the only key around my neck.
Fast forward about 6 hours, as things are finally winding down & the sun is almost up. I'm ready for bed & I walk into my bedroom & creepy bi-guy is passed out on my bed in his underwear! I recruited a group of large male pals to take of the problem but I didn't want to know what happened so I went to pass out at a neighbor's house.
To this day, I don't know what they did to him because I never asked & they never told but I lived there for almost 4 more years & he never returned. Thank God.
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